Sunday, March 29, 2020

How To Find A Tutoring Opportunity At The Learning Lab

How To Find A Tutoring Opportunity At The Learning LabTeachers who wish to stay current in their field can take advantage of a tutoring opportunity at the Learning Lab. This facility offers teachers and parents the ability to interact with tutors from around the world. The tutoring has been designed to meet all educational needs of students, regardless of what level they are in.The tutoring is available free to all students in all subjects at all levels. The tutoring is provided by tutors that have experience with all levels of education, from the K-12 through the higher education world.A tutor will be assigned to each student that wishes to be tutored on an as-needed basis. The tutors can provide information and resources for teachers. In addition, there is a tutor available that will work with students in an on-line mentoring program that allows the student to interact with other students online and receive professional mentoring from an experienced educator at the Learning Lab.Tut oring is available in several subjects including art, English, math, science, reading, writing, and technology. These tutors work with one to three students on a regular basis. Students may be matched up with a tutor based on their needs. If a student is a self-motivated student, then there are programs available for them as well.The tutoring is done via email, telephone, or live chats with online mentoring. Some tutors are located throughout the world, and others are located in major cities. Some of the tutors are only available during certain times of the year, and some are available on a short-term basis only.Teachers will be able to access information about the tutors via their blogs, MySpace pages, and email. Teachers will be able to view all the information about the tutors and be able to schedule a session with a tutor. During the session, teachers can ask questions, ask how the tutoring session went, and ask questions of the tutor as well.The tutoring is free to the students that are seeking the help. The tutoring sessions are provided for a number of hours at a time. The number of hours spent will depend on the number of students that are needed for a particular session. The tutor will contact the student at the end of the session to make sure the student is satisfied with the tutoring session.While the tutoring is free to students that are seeking the help, there are a few stipulations that need to be met before the tutoring can begin. Students will need to supply a certified copy of their birth certificate, and proof of identification. The tutoring sessions are not allowed to start if the student does not provide the necessary documentation.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Coping with Back to School Anxiety

Coping with Back to School Anxiety It has been about a month since a new academic year started but many kids still might feel back to school anxiety. For some of them back to school means back to stress. They might feel anxiety over getting used to a new schedule, making new friends, fitting in with peers or being in a new school. Coping with so much pressure after fun carefree summer time might become a real challenge for anyone. So, what can you do to help your kid? Most of the kids can overcome back to school anxiety with the help of their parents. First of all try to talk openly with your kid about what̢۪s worrying him, and how he might deal with it. Your kid needs an attentive and supportive listener more than a judgmental parent. Secondly, encourage your kid to study something new and exciting in order to distract him from troubling thoughts and fears. It could be astronomy or geography, creative writing or acting, dancing or painting. Pick whatever he would like. Also, you might try to motivate your kid explaining that school will help him to succeed in life and make his dreams come true. Coping with anxiety require time and practice. Your kid should sleep well, eat healthy food and do morning exercise. These simple rules can help him or her to cope better with stress and suppress anxiety. If it is not helping and you cannot figure out what might be done ask one of our life coaches how you can help your kid. Coping with Back to School Anxiety It has been about a month since a new academic year started but many kids still might feel back to school anxiety. For some of them back to school means back to stress. They might feel anxiety over getting used to a new schedule, making new friends, fitting in with peers or being in a new school. Coping with so much pressure after fun carefree summer time might become a real challenge for anyone. So, what can you do to help your kid? Most of the kids can overcome back to school anxiety with the help of their parents. First of all try to talk openly with your kid about what̢۪s worrying him, and how he might deal with it. Your kid needs an attentive and supportive listener more than a judgmental parent. Secondly, encourage your kid to study something new and exciting in order to distract him from troubling thoughts and fears. It could be astronomy or geography, creative writing or acting, dancing or painting. Pick whatever he would like. Also, you might try to motivate your kid explaining that school will help him to succeed in life and make his dreams come true. Coping with anxiety require time and practice. Your kid should sleep well, eat healthy food and do morning exercise. These simple rules can help him or her to cope better with stress and suppress anxiety. If it is not helping and you cannot figure out what might be done ask one of our life coaches how you can help your kid.

5 Things You Shouldnt Do on Test Day

5 Things You Shouldnt Do on Test Day Not many events in life induce the amount of stress like academic tests can. At the thought of taking a written exam, palms moisten, hearts quicken, and fingers suddenly lose control of writing utensils. Whether it's a mock or the real thing there's no reason to let test day get the better of you. For your best chances of success, here are five things you should try to avoid doing on test day: 1. Show up late The worst thing you can do for yourself is to arrive at a test late. Starting a test in a rush is likely to lead to hurrying through the entire thing. Show up to the classroom or testing facility early with your materials ready. Choose a comfortable seat in an area where you feel at ease, and give yourself a few moments to mentally prepare. If you like, why not mentally run over those last few art history slides in your head before the test papers are passed out? Or simply sit silently, and trust that you're more than prepared for the upcoming test (because of course you are, right?). 2. Forget to bring supplies No one wants to depend on a classmate for a pen or paper. Know what materials are required for the test you're taking, and bring plenty of them with you. Knowing you've got the physical things you need to perform well may make it easier to focus on the mental aspects of test taking. 3. Skip breakfast Studies show eating a balanced breakfast every morning improves brain function and may even enhance test-taking ability. Do yourself a favour, and eat a power bar before you trot off to take that important algebra exam. You may notice just how much of a difference a little calorie intake makes. 4. Pull an all-nighter Though it's tempting to cram the night before a big test, it is in your best interest to rest a little too. Try to get seven to 9 hours of sleep the night before a test. Sleep enhances memory recall, which may help you remember those periodic element abbreviations during that chemistry exam. 5. Schedule stressful activities after a test After taking a huge test, it may not be the best idea to schedule a job interview. If you need to wind down following a lengthy exam, make time for it. You set aside time before the test, so why not do the same for afterward? Allow yourself to let loose after taking a stressful test, and try not to worry about how well you performed on it. Relax, and trust that you did your best. Test taking is a huge part of education. Most people worry about how they perform on tests, so don't feel bad if you find yourself anxious leading up to one. Study hard, and try to avoid these few things, and you'll be one step ahead of the rest.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Weekend is coming

Weekend is coming Its coming, its coming! Weekend is coming! The holidays are near! I like this time of the year when business tends to slow down while everyone is getting ready for the holidays. I have big plans for the weekend, I am going to decorate the Christmas tree. Its great time to test your decorating abilities ?? For those who need to catch up with studies TutorZ has professional tutors  to help you  with your homework, class projects,  test preparation, etc. Have a wonderful  weekend!

Teach English to Foreign Students - How to Help Them Overcome Language Barriers

Teach English to Foreign Students - How to Help Them Overcome Language BarriersTeaching English to foreign students is not an easy task for a tutor as it is for English teachers. Foreign students have different cultural backgrounds and hence their comprehension levels are higher than most other kinds of students. But this does not mean that it is impossible to teach English to these students.For this, the tutor has to know reading habits of the student as well as his reading style and how it is influenced by various environmental factors. Reading should be an integral part of the curriculum for a tutoring institution. The main task is to take the student to the next level of reading and help him go beyond. Readability should be the first criteria in all tutoring cases.Reading comprehension is the most important thing. A good student should know what he has read. Remember that in every reading lesson, the same story should be read with different syntax so that the child has to read it more than once to get a better understanding of the text.Moreover, the lesson has to be divided into small portions and then one-on-one with the student. Reading one paragraph without being the student will not help the student comprehend the entire story.In a class, the teacher can always tell the students the basic questions so that the students are ready for each question. The homework should be on a set plan and the tutor should help the student understand the method to use to solve the problems.A successful foreign student should have a proper knowledge of grammar and should be able to follow a pattern or the rules as provided by the teacher. He should also have a command over the English language so that he can read English text using correct grammar and syntax.Other factors such as homework, English essay, English reading, vocabulary, and syntax should also be discussed with the student. The tutor should be able to build an understanding between the student and the tutor as the latter helps the student make sense of the text and the former is in-charge of making the student understand the topic. With proper tutoring, the foreign student can become an excellent English speaker.

Definitions of Dissolution in Chemistry

Definitions of Dissolution in ChemistryDefining the processes and substances used in the chemical analysis of living bodies is quite a tricky task. Many different people try to define this and that one but it is actually difficult to find out the correct definition for chemical analysis.Defining the process of chemical analysis is not very easy especially in the field of chemistry. This is because all the processes of an analysis are different from each other. The following methods are those used in the analysis of each substance.Solute Gas Analysis: This is a very basic and common method used in the analysis of the substance. It is considered as a good alternative in the analysis of the substance because the ingredients present in the substance can be found without any difficulty. However, this method is not perfect in the sense that it cannot detect the presence of volatile substances and organic substances.Acid Analysis: This method is also known as a solid-liquid extract method o r simply as liquid analysis. In this method, solids like the dried substance are separated from the liquids by passing a strong electric current through them.Ion Exchange Analysis: This method uses the conductivity of a substance as an indicator. The use of chemicals will be considered if the substances are in contact with each other in the course of the analysis.Solution Separation Analysis: In this method, a substance is collected at the centre of a cylindrical vial, which is left in a controlled environment. After several days, the substance in the vial is subjected to a series of different tests to evaluate its chemical composition and physical properties.It is better to avoid the use of the solute gas analysis as it is more prone to contamination by the microorganisms present in the air. This method is considered as the most common and accurate method to analyze the chemical composition of the substance present in the body.

Expected Value Statistics - Online Math Tutoring

Expected Value Statistics - Online Math Tutoring Definition: - The expected value of a discrete random variable x is the value that is expected to occur per repetition, on average, if an experiment is repeated a large number of times. It is denoted by E(x) and calculated as E(x)= x P(x) The expected value is also known as mean and is denoted by ; that is = x P(x) Example:- Below the probability distribution table where x represents the number of breakdowns for a machine during a given week, and P(x) is the probability of the corresponding value of x x P(x) 0 0.15 1 0.20 2 0.35 3 0.30 To find the expected value of breakdowns per week for this machine, we multiply each value of x by its probability and these products. This sum gives the mean of the probability distribution of x. The products x P(x) are listed in the third column of the below table. The sum of these products give x P(x) which is the expected value of x. Calculating the expected value for the probability distribution of breakdowns. X P(x) x P(x) 0 0.15 0*0.15= 0 1 0.20 1*0.20= 0.20 2 0.35 2*0.35= 0.70 3 0.30 3*0.30= 0.90 x P(x)=1.80 The expected value is E(x)= 1.80